Dedicated to Serving Veterans, Military, and Their Families


For decades, The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, and Sons of The American Legion have stood together, promoting patriotism, strengthening national security, supporting youth programs, and advocating for veterans and the military.

Join a Community of Volunteers

Sons of The American Legion

The logo for sons of the american legion is blue and red.

Founded in 1932, Sons of The American Legion (S.A.L.) honors the service and sacrifice of Legionnaires.

Membership is open to males of all ages whose parents or grandparents served in the U.S. military and qualified for American Legion membership.

A young boy is saluting a grave in a cemetery.
American Legion Post 69 Auxiliary

American Legion Auxiliary

The logo for the american legion auxiliary is blue and red.

Patriotism and veterans advocacy are central to the American Legion Auxiliary. For over a century, we’ve served, educated, and supported our military.

Guided by Service Not Self, we are spouses, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and female descendants of American Legion members—some of us are veterans, too.

Junior Auxiliary

American Legion Auxiliary

Junior Auxiliary membership is open to girls from infancy through age 17. The Junior Activities program prepares girls to become active adult members of the organization by providing positive volunteer experiences that instill the ideals of the Auxiliary.

American Legion Post 69 Junior Auxiliary
American Legion Amateur Radio
Post 69 Amateur Radio Club
The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC) was created by resolution in 2011, and the club grew to become one of the largest in the nation. Both a hobby and a means of civil-defense communications during natural disasters, amateur [HAM] radio has long been an interest of veterans, many of whom served in communications roles in the military.
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